Who I Am

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I’m just another profoundly flawed person, desperately homesick for a sense that I belong—a feeling that I often mistake for a familiar one, one that I used to be filled with and have since lost. For a very long time I assumed that that sense of not being alone which I craved so desperately was something I had to look back for, instead of forward. But all my years of chasing false gods finally taught me something: it’s not something that’s given, it’s something you have to create.

So after many detours in my 20s, here I am in my 30s, trying to “find” myself when it feels like everyone else did that in their 20s. And when I looked for blogs that spoke to a life like mine, I couldn’t find one.

  • Where was the blog for someone looking to live an authentic life in a superficial world of selfies and insta-fame?
  • Who doesn’t want to conform to what her parents want her life to look like?
  • For someone who makes really bad choices when she’s afraid, but doesn’t always know how to walk through the fear with grace and dignity?
  • For someone who’s still grappling with things that should have been worked out a long time ago? Like what kind of person she wants to be, and how she wants to spend her time on this planet.

I couldn’t find it so I decided to write it.

 Dani Fleischer

14 thoughts on “Who I Am

  1. elizabethargyropoulos May 26, 2016 / 8:26 am

    We have a great deal in common. “Where was the blog for someone looking to live an authentic life in a superficial world of selfies and insta-fame?” This is exactly what I strive for in my interactions in real life, and even there it’s hard to find….not the fame part, but people who are authentic.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. run.rabbit.RUN July 30, 2016 / 8:42 am

    I love what you stand for-it’s really refreshing, and I love how you write too. I think we are on a similar page 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. amandahillsdale August 7, 2016 / 3:00 am

    I am also redefining who I am in my 30’s … Its taken me a long while to get to this point in life. I have a book for you to checkout, no it’s not mine, nor do I get anything out of this… When I was lost I started reading “Women who Run with Wolves”— it’s a powerful book and after reading a couple of your recent blogs, I think you might really enjoy it too. Keep up the great job here. ~Amanda

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Andrea Long September 27, 2016 / 8:05 pm

    I think you are a wonderfuly strong and beautiful person (women) who is on the right path, if not perfect path to finding herself. I admire your honesty, strength and wisdom that you are sharing with the world. You are NOT alone in your journey of soulfulness and enlightenment. I’m right next to you (maybe a little behind you) 😬. I want you to know I admire you wholeheartedly and look to you and your shared wisdom as a mentor for me for I too am alone (vibing at a level higher than the individuals I’m surrounded by). Keep up this wonderful service you provide to like people such as ourselves. I guarantee you WILL find and live the life you want and deserve girlfriend. 😊. Would love to converse with you and maybe we could help and support one another and journey together on our paths to “THE KNOW” as well as the truth of enlightenment. You can reach me at andreabethlong11@gmail.com. Anxiously awaiting to hear from you. Peace and blessings. Andrea


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